The API, or Automated Programing Interface, has become an indispensable part of modern IIoT.
Global Finishing Solutions IoT CX Case Study
The Business Situation Global Finishing Solutions (GFS) based in Osseo, Wisconsin, is a leading global provider of finishing solutions and paint booths within the automotive, industrial, aerospace, and defense markets, among others. More than 325 employees contribute to GFS’s success in several locations across the US and in Canada. Analyzing service history and equipment performance […]
Global Finishing Solutions Announces Connected Paint Booth System
Through web-based app delivery, OEM’s deliver real-time IIoT data, fuel customer engagement, customer satisfaction, and bottom-line results.
Power Telematics IoT CX Case Study
This Power Telematics IoT/CX Case Study demonstrates how they provide remote monitoring and vehicle tracking solutions to the emergency power generator systems industry across the US. From their base in Metro Atlanta, PTI is a 10-year-old IIoT services systems integrator and value-added reseller led by Andy Briggs, President, who brings over 30 years of generator […]
What is an API and How Can You Use It?
The API, or Automated Programing Interface, has become an indispensable part of modern IIoT.