Scante IoT CX News and Blog
Webinar: The Critical Role of IoT Data in AI and Machine Learning for the Future
In this impactful webinar, president and co-founder of Scante, Jon Prescott discusses today’s rapidly evolving industrial landscape, and how the Internet of Things (IoT) has become the backbone for driving Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) efforts in the manufacturing world and beyond.
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The 10 Biggest Benefits of IIoT for OEMs
Benefits of IIoT for OEMs include improving their operational efficiency and product quality, as well as creating new business models and revenue streams, ultimately driving growth and competitiveness in the market.
Transforming Service Operations with IIoT and Mobile Solutions
Whether you are looking for improved documentation and accountability from your personnel, IoT data triggers for service sales, or game-changing customer portals integrating multiple technologies, Scante’s IoT CX systems provide a cost-effective and rapidly deployable solution.
By embracing automation and IoT technology, your service company can elevate operations to new heights—offering improved visibility, faster service, and better customer experiences.
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Leveraging IoT-driven Business Models
As connected machines and remotely monitored sensors become more prevalent, businesses across industries are exploring IoT-driven business models to disrupt their markets and stay ahead of the competition. These innovative models enable companies to move beyond one-time product sales and into ongoing relationships with their customers, unlocking new revenue streams and transforming how they deliver services.
Benefits of IoT
Providing customers online product support, dashboards, control panels/alerts, analytics, reporting, parts, and services are just some of the benefits of IoT.
Using IoT to Build Customer Relationships
Use IoT to build customer relationships and loyalty through great customer experiences.
Why Manufacturers Want Branded IIoT and Customer Experience (CX) Websites and Apps
The API, or Automated Programing Interface, has become an indispensable part of modern IIoT.
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Global Finishing Solutions Announces Connected Paint Booth System
Through web-based app delivery, OEM’s deliver real-time IIoT data, fuel customer engagement, customer satisfaction, and bottom-line results.
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What is an API and How Can You Use It?
The API, or Automated Programing Interface, has become an indispensable part of modern IIoT.
Customer Engagement Fueled by Reporting That Matters
Through web-based app delivery, OEM’s deliver real-time IIoT data, fuel customer engagement, customer satisfaction, and bottom-line results.
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IIoT and Customer Experience Drives Equipment Specific Personalization
A couple of our most fundamental insights into successful IIoT and online Customer Experience (CX) have their roots in the dark ages of the internet over 20 years ago. More than a decade before ap stores or high-speed cellular data, when machine connectivity might well run $20K per instance, we were building complex web-based applications for…
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IoT/CX to Move Industrial Services Ahead
View Post In conversation with the CIO of a billion-dollar MRO supply and services company recently, he related their problems with IIoT (and Information Technology in general) for their large industrial services business. They successfully purchase and deploy sophisticated capital equipment all the time, but they’d not been able to implement much on the IT…
Slow IoT Uptake at Whirlpool
There was a nice little article in the Washington Post on slow uptake for customer facing IoT features at Whirlpool.
IoT Chips and Low Power Comms
The other day, EETimes reported on ARM’s efforts towards IoT chip designs powered by energy harvesting.
Push Notifications and IoT
Push Notifications and IoT are interlinked at Scante with our IoT driven customer experience apps for durable goods companies.
Qualcomm sells Omnitracs
Yesterday Qualcomm announced the sale of one of the business units that built the company: Omnitracs, the fleet management technology division that pioneered GPS location tracking in over-the road trucking.